- I found a new thesis advisor! She's from Northwestern's department of preventive medicine, and not only is she wicked smart, but she's ORGANIZED and she won't take any slacking off on my part. This is a heavenly nuisance! Even better, she doesn't think I should let this be "just a paper," so she's encouraging me to work with a local organization, like my beloved Howard Brown Health Center perhaps, to get them something out of this -- a white paper or a presentation. I'm excited.
- I've achieved a modicum of (very local) fame. I'm the featured profile in our department's quarterly newsletter. It's nice to get more use out of our Save the Date photo! With poor E cropped out, of course.
- Speaking of which, we're ready to send the Save the Dates! Although I felt like I was stifling E's creativity somewhat, I insisted that if we were sending something out on paper, it had to be a single postcard, without an envelope. I just hate the idea of so much waste. I I found an awesome company that will do the whole mailing (except Canada - thwarted again!) on recycled postcard paper.
- Our Penny is smart and delightful. She's housebroken with only the rare "mistake," and we're taking her for training in a couple weeks. She can already come, sit, and sort of fetch. I hope she never gets too big for shoulder-snuggling.
Here's hoping your 2010 has been as nice as mine.